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​Whilst working on a yoga retreat in Portugal, Annie was introduced to Five Element Acupuncture. Intrigued by the concept of diagnosing and treating a person’s element – Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. She was compelled to learn more, but it wasn’t until many years later that she has the opportunity to study this incredible form of medicine at The Acupuncture Academy in Leamington Spa.


Studying for her Licentiate for 4 years she feels she has opened a book that will never be closed. A world of endless intrigue, discovery and amazement at the power and depth of Classical Chinese Medicine.


In clinic, Annie’s approach offers each patient a tailored diagnosis of their health needs. During a thorough initial consultation, she will diagnose your element and any imbalances in your body, mind and spirit. Through detailed questioning, physical palpatio, pulse and tongue diagnosis. A bespoke treatment plan will be developed, to suit your body’s needs.


Annie has a special interest in women's health, particularly supporting women through menstruation issues and menopause. She has worked with many women who are receiving chemotherapy, and post-cancer recovery.

She is passionate about offering women the benefits of acupuncture for people suffering from side-effects of treatment. 

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